A Case Study


PlantParent is a mobile service that catalogs the user's plants and their necessities.
Our product provides necessary information to help ensure that the user is taking proper care of their plants and keeping track of their watering schedules and lighting or temperature requirements. User's can feel confident in their plant caring skills while having all the needed information in the palm of their hands.


Head Researcher & Designer


January 2021-May 2021

The Problem

Plant Owners need a service that can help them keep track of all of their plants and their specific requirements
so that they can stay happy and healthy.

The Solution

PlantParent is a mobile application where plant owners can catalog their plants and get notifications of when to water or care for them. PlantParent also provides general information about the specifi plants so that the user understands how to
properly care for their plants.

The Persona

Ui Sketches

Ui Comps

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